How to Sell an Idea to Your Boss - BusinessWeek常常哀怨 一個好的idea不被老闆接受 或是全天下都對不起你的時候 有沒有試著review底下的方向....
我們面臨甚麼樣的問題? 不論是技術 程序 包裝 服務上的.... 先提問題別急著說出你有何解決之道, 這樣有個好處 你可以聽聽別人的意見 此外英明的老闆通常會說 這問題很好為何沒有好好處理是因為.....
1. Get an endorsement to investigate a business challenge. For example, if you work in the R&D department of a food company, a challenge could be coming up with new products that are healthier and provide a better experience by eating less. It's more likely that you will gain support for investigating such a challenge than suddenly selling an idea for a new valuable cheese that people will buy in smaller quantities. So even if you already have an idea for solving a problem, don't immediately pitch it.
有了老闆的support後, 接下來就是廣納海川 悲觀的想法是出去跟各不同利益部門團體的人sell in你的想法 再彙整成共同的agreement來改善你的idea.
2. Design the innovation process together. Once you have top management's support to tackle the challenge, come to an agreement on how to come up with ideas for tackling it.
記得經常讓老闆知道目前狀況 盡量先提供客觀資訊 而非自己下決定 當然也要讓老闆知道你這一路上遇到的最大困難是哪些 老闆通常對外開疆闢土 對內他找不到著力點 最想知道怎麼幫你解決問題 (這是真的!) 通常英明的決定 要由老闆來說 我們該做的是 讓老闆的英明決定盡量落在我們鋪好的老梗上頭.
3. Update top executives frequently. Keep feeding them information on how the investigation is developing along the way. When you do so, don't talk about the emerging possible solutions; instead, provide information on how you are interpreting the challenge. In this way, executives will more easily grasp the solution once you present it.
記得讓老闆成為solution provider之一, 雖然說難聽一點是挾天子以令諸侯, 但是為了避免說出讓老闆吃驚 各個諸侯群起激憤的新人新政 還是盡量讓老闆在整個solution形成的過程中 出出風頭... 我們該說的是: 老闆果然英明~
4. Involve top executives in the creation of the solution. By doing so you will not only receive precious insights but also stronger support, because executives will feel they own the idea. (This implies that your boss will put his or her name on the idea. Are you ready to sacrifice your ego for the sake of the innovation?)