下星期三就是七夕情人節了,在我們家要拜織女,要準備油飯、麻油雞、綠豆湯、雞冠花跟胭脂水粉,有了這罐薑油,我就可以做薑母口味的油飯囉!開心!挖哈哈~這時不免對於呂媽不愛薑油的決定,心中充滿了感激,哈... Thanks for the birthday presents that you gave me, Sharon.
Lesson 1 - It starts from CD-ROM drives to DVD ROM drives/Players (the first tier co. lose lot of market and revenue, include Big-brand: Pioneer, Plextor, Sony, LG, Philips). Consumer benefit: NTD$15000 DVD players -> NTD$1500
Lesson 2 - Now it's the No. 2 Phone chipset maker. (1st is QCT). Base on Feature phone[Low end] -> Extends to Smartphone[High end] (For those big brand or cost management not good enough niche based Phone maker will be impacted seriously soon: Nckia, Sumsung, hTO?) Consumer benefit: NTD$25000 heavy mobile -> NTD$2500?
reference: Economist MediaTek and mobile-phone chips Fabless and fearless.